Posted in Chronic Pain Management, endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, Flopsy the rabbit, FND, Monthly Updates

The February Flop

Hey all 🙂 hope everyone is doing well! How was your Feb?

My February was a bit of a flop really but its a new month and so possibly a new flop haha. No…but seriously….Feb was a bit of a flop. I had my second Zoladex injection, which by the way was so much more painful than the first one! They have also prescribed me HRT because boy have I been getting hot flashes, all you people out there that have gone through/going through the menopause …. ya’ll need a medal ! Imma gotta do this s**t twice!!!!! So far so good with the HRT though, well…when I remember to take it lets say.

So that’s Zoladex update done, next update CHRONIC PAIN MANAGEMENT ! Finally I have been referred to this place, I tried several years ago when I was diagnosed with FND but didn’t win that one and then a few times after; in all honesty I did give up trying because I was literally being shut down, left, right and centre. I had my first appointment over the phone with a Chronis Pain Psychiatrist which was eventful to say the least; for now I am not going to go to much in to detail with some things they were thinking like its something I’ve always known deep down but what comes with it is a stigma, a label as too say which then comes judgement. To be perfectly honest with you I’m quite fed up with being judged 24/7 so I’m unsure if I am going through with certain things they have proposed. Other than that they were very helpful and again confirmed none of this pain I experience everyday is just “in my head” despite what many people think. (I’ll probably forever need to hear this because I have always been told its in my head like forever).

That’s CPM update! oh and they have also booked my next lot of appointments with them in advance and also been referred to CPM Physio with them too.

For the last 2 months I have been getting headaches everyday, they are always there and then its like a sudden smack over the head with a spade. I am able look at lights, walk around etc but the pain is just awful, it feel’s like the only way I can get rid of the headache is to bash my head against the wall; don’t panic…I have done that ! I finally got into the docs this week gone and turns out I am having cluster headaches, also have high blood pressure for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE !!!!!!!!! Doc is sending me for a head scan to rule out anything sinister and looks like ill be referred back to psychology. So I walked out of the docs relieved I suppose and p****d off all at the same time. Haha.

In hindsight my February Flop I suppose isn’t really a major flop….but still a flop. My Nan who lives 4hrs from me is in hospital due to her docs failing to help her on many occasions; don’t panic though she is ok and hopefully now they will be on top of the issue she has.

How’s my March going to be I wonder …… Well my car is due for its MOT this month….scary stuff. It’s started making some dodgy noises which I’m pretty sure its the brake pads/disc or both. I keep saying I should put myself on a basic mechanics course so I at least know what the issue is and not be fobbed off by sweaty people in greasy overalls !

Flopsy our rabbit turned 2 this month….well… that’s a lie really….she technically turned 2 in January at some point but we are not certain on the date exactly; so we celebrated her GOTCHA DAY as her birthday. Yes she had a cake, Yes she had a cute party hat…yes of course her sister was only there for the party food !

Of course Imma share some Pics with you….

So all in all February was a bit of a rollercoaster, there were days where I have felt really good however there was more bad days in February; health & pain wise that is! Oh and February has seen me being prescribed 2 new medicines that I have never had before one of which really sends my into orbit haha.

Lets see what March brings !

Peace Out!

Ciao, Adios, Bon Voyage
