Posted in Believe In You, FND, life, see the ability not the dis


Good evening all.

Hope life is treating you all well.

So I thought I would share with you a recent encounter whilst taking a stroll to the shop. Hang on lets back up a few hours …….

Like always FND likes to appear in many different ways and mine being on this particular day not being able to hold my own weight so crutches in the morning it was. I popped out with my partner on crutches that morning but by late afternoon/evening I didn’t need them anymore providing I took a slow walk.

So here I am around 5pm taking a walk around to the shop and some random person, whom I have no connection with nor have I ever seen in my life starts to shout at me; “What a fake…you were on crutches earlier, wait until you get a letter in the post, go get a life, I doubt if you work because your so what disabled, when actually you are perfectly fine. Look at you there is nothing wrong with you so how about do the world a favour and stop pretending”.

To be honest I was pretty shocked but alas I carried on walking because I thought to myself I shouldn’t have to explain myself. However this clearly judgemental character carried on with his opinions that he thought was facts; I couldn’t take it anymore so I turned on my heels and stated the following:

“Not every disabled person is stuck to a chair 24/7 or has to use walking aids constantly. I have a condition where it constantly changes, yes it’s a mind fuck to other people I understand that but take a step back and think how it makes me feel. I don’t enjoy having a life where one day I can walk and other days I can’t. So before you judge anyone just think about what your going to say because words can hurt and have a long lasting effect on people, so just crawl back to the rock your clearly hiding under and educate yourself on the fact that not all disabilities are visiable nor are they all bound to one aid !!!”

Safe to say this fella apologised and asked what condition I have and said that he would look into it….I couldn’t help myself…..I told him “there is a charity called FND action, GOOGLE it, and whilst your there if you can pop some money in their funds to help them with fundraising and awareness it would be appreciated”.

It was the most bazar encounter I have had. I agree with a lot of people my condition is very confusing however people don’t stop and think how it makes me feel because if your confused then I am too. It is hard living with FND because you never know how your going to wake up. My partner and I struggle to plan things because who knows how I am going to be on the day; a lot of the time we are late for events because FND has decided to show itself an hour before we are meant to be leaving.

However I keep smiling even through the sly comments here and there. I know my condition, I know its a mind bender, I know other people don’t really understand or choose to not understand…..but I keep going, I try to ignore the comments and carry on with life because this is the hand I have been dealt with and now I just got to play on.

Peace Out !!

Ciao, Adios, Bon Voyage



Im 26, live in Portsmouth UK. (Nice place, take a visit) .... I enjoy most things, travel, photographing and of course writing. Funny things happen around me all the time so why not turn into something.....I like to inspire others and give people hope I guess. I was diagnosed with FND and still continuing the FND journey. Climb aboard and join me 🌍

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