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Finally got the letter

So a while ago I re applied for PIP….a couple of days ago I finally got a text through to say a telephone appointment has been booked due to COVID they can’t do face to face which I fully understand. You would honestly think it would be a relief doing it all over the telephone but I thought id share with you exactly how a simple text followed by a letter actually effects my FND.

After receiving the text I had mixed emotions, like dont get me wrong im thrilled I have finally received the appointment but my body instantly could feel the stress, my legs slowly started to shut down, weakness started 5 minutes after reading the message, tremors appeared and slurred speech and stuttering presented itself. When this happens I honestly go into shut down each symptoms i get appearing one after the other until I cant function at all. For those of you wondering why? Or thinking its just a text, yes I’m fully aware of the situation but my brain is not, my brain does not know how to take that information so it goes into meltdown. Once my body slowly starts coming back to normal a simple task like standing up becomes impossible without aid, asking for a drink comes out backwards because my words are just so jumbled up.

4 days later and I have just recieved the official letter through the post and guess what we are now back to square one, what we were going to do today has now had to be put on hold, my legs are painful it feels like my bones are being crushed so I thought I’d quickly get this down on here before I shut down and can’t remember what planet I’m on. Honestly guys FND can be a pain (literally) but I suppose all of this will be worth it in the end (well we like to think so).

For anyone contemplating whether to attempt to go for PIP or not then I would say do it, it is worth it in the end, as much as the stress leading up to it and even filling out the forms it because lets face it we don’t always think we are “bad enough” to go for it, its not until I first filled out the forms that I realised how bad my condition is and how it effects me on a daily basis.

Peace out!!!

Ciao, adios, bon voyage


(Stay safe)

Posted in Believe In You

Just believe 

Just how “cliche” can my title be? … hey thats a rhetorical question…please do not answer. ( keep it in your head)

From time to time everyone just needs a bit of encouragement, whether that be for inspiration for a college essay, or just the get up a go to get to work on time even though its the last place you want to be. Unless of course you have a fantastic job that you just cant get enough of…In which case …congratualtions. (thats not sarcastic … honest)

All through my life I have always said Believe In Your Dreams, (unless of course you dream some freaky things than toss them in dream bin and dream again)

Encouragement from others does help but having a little faith in yourself really does go the extra mile. 

FND can extremely bring us down from time to time, one minute you can walk, next minute you’re having a meeting with the floor just because it summond you, (damn gravity). When I was first diagnosed I actually felt relived, finally we have an answer I thought, then it kicked in. 

A) What on earth is this crazy shit

B) Lets try to explain this to others


I lied it really wasnt challenge accepted, I spent half my time on Google looking for answers but that wasnt what I should have been doing. 

BELIEVING in your self is the way forward. Its hard thinking I used to be able to run but now I cant etc etc…but I challenge you. 

Turn 1 negative into 3 positives. This is where I started, and from there everything should fall into place. (Please dont quote me on this I am no guru)

Have confidence in your FND and hopefully in return FND will have confidence in you (now that just sounds damn cheesy)

Scrap that…..JUST BELIEVE guys and girls 😉

Peace out!!!

Ciao, Adios, Bon Voyage 
